Saturday, May 13, 2017

Work Stories Pt. 1 - Pizza Disaster!

Hello everyone! Today, I'm here with Topper the pizza chef, and she's gonna tell everybody about her crazy time at the pizza place! Take it away, Topper!

Ok, so today I had to go to work, the usual. I came in to an empty pizza shop, and got on my uniform. When I looked over, the oven had something in it. It looked like yellow jello! As I walked closer, I seen burn marks on it. Then I realized someone put cheese in the furnace! I took it out and then threw it away. Then my other friend who worked at the pizza shop with me walked in. "Oh no!" He said. I asked why he said oh no. "THE FURNACE IS MELTING!" And it was. As I looked over, the furnace was melting because of how hot the cheese was. I then searched for some tools to fix it. A couple hours later, we fixed the furance! But the madness wasn't over just yet. As soon as we looked over, a line of penguins were waiting angerly for their pizza. My friend made the pizzas while I took one last look at the furnace. After THAT mess was over, I heard a loud BOOM! in the kitchen. I went in the kitchen and saw that the air conditioner broke. I knew my bad-luck days wern't over.

I hope you all liked that crazy story! I might make a part 2 soon. And as always,

Craftling, OUT

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CPR Is Back!

Hi guys! CPR is finally back online! I'll be posting again on tuesday because nothing is happening rn :/